Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sometimes Patience does Pay off!

In these days when it seems like no one trusts each other, everything has to be in writing, and there's always doubt that someone's not going to live up to their obligations, it's nice when you work with a party that goes out on the limb and gives you the opportunity to actually make something work, when most others wouldn't. . . . . I'm talking about a real estate transaction that I'm currently involved with.

I represent the buyer in this case and we wrote up an offer on a property they fell in love with! The seller accepted, but it wasn't until a week or so into escrow when we found out that there still was an item on the buyer's credit files that could be detrimental in getting their loan approved. So, we went ahead and did our inspections and negotiations on repairs, then asked the seller to extend the loan contingency period until we could be sure this item was off the credit files, and therefore minimize any risk of problems with the loan. While most sellers would snub their noses at any such idea, these sellers, along with the guidance of their agent, decided to give us a chance. They waited a full two more weeks! All in all, we went over 30 days from the date of acceptance before the buyers were assured their credit file was clear!

How many sellers would do this? I doubt any, but this time it worked out because now we have full loan approval and are getting set to close. Now you might be asking why would a seller go out on a limb and do that? Well, the reality is that in this case there were issues with the pool and decking around the pool and my buyers were actually willing to accept this condition (with a negotiated credit from the seller), so most likely the seller knew that they would run into the same issue with another buyer as they did with my buyer (and a previous buyer that bailed after finding out about this condition), and didn't want to risk having to waste more time losing another buyer!

In the end, my buyers are ecstatic! It's difficult situations like these that really make you realize the benefits of having a qualified agent represent your best interests (if I don't say so myself). This is my favorite part of my job, taking a difficult situation and making it work out!  Crista :)

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