Thursday, July 14, 2011

Energy Efficient Information that can benefit you!

Greetings, I just attended a webinar on Energy Efficient Windows. the webinar was given by (Efficient Windows Colaborative) whose goal is to promote energy efficient windows. It was very informative so I thought I would pass along some highlights to you. I also included some web site resources for you to click on to obtain additional information. If you are considering purchasing new windows, you might want to check out this information! It may save you a lot of money!

Did you know that you could save up to 25% on your heating costs by using energy efficient windows? You oould save up to 35% of your cooling costs by doing the same. Not only does energy efficient windows help you save money, they also provide improved comfort, condensation reduction, and reduction in fading fabrics or furniture.

How do you tell how well a window performs (Performance indicators)?
- Best method is to use Energy Star labeled windows!
- You can also look at:
* U-factor which measures how insulating a window is. the lower the U-factor the less heat loss
* Solar Head Gain Coefficient (SHGC) which is the fraction of the solar energy that enters the windows. The higher the SHGC the more solar energy
* Visible Transmittance (VT) which is the fraction of visibe light that enters the window. The hight the VT the more daylight enters
* Air leakage (AL) which is the volume of air that enters the windows when closed. The lower the AL the less infiltration

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) rates windows and you can view these labels on window products to see the key performance indicators. The NFRC rates the whole window, not just the glass. More information on these labels can be found at

Incentives and Financing
- There still is a Federal Tax credit up to $500 when you purchase energy efficient windows. Go to
- The utility companies also offer rebates. You can see this information at:

So, whether it's Winter or Summer, if you don't have energy efficient windows, now may be the time you upgrade! Of course, upgrading your windows will not just decrease your energy costs, it will increase the value of your home! If you or someone you know is looking to purchase or sell their home, please give me a call. I would be happy to help. Crista :)

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