Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HomeDex North County Real Estate Report shows 22% increase in Median Sale Prices

The North San Diego Association of Realtors releases monthly housing statistics for North County San Diego area. The latest report was released and I think you will find the summary results quite impressive! Enjoy, Crista :)
  • The March 2010 year-over median price for North San Diego County single family detached homes rose 28.85%, continuing a seven-month trend of rising year-over prices.
  • The Median price in March 2010 for a North County single family detached home was $469,000.  
  • Median days-on-market for single family homes in North County decreased to 36 days compared to last month's 40 days.
  • The number of North County single family detached homes sold increased 35.96% in March 2010 from February 2010. This continues a trend of year-over sales increases since summer 2008 (with exceptions of year-over decreases January 2010 and October 2009).
 The North San Diego County Association of REALTORS® is committed to bringing you timely and relevant information of our region's housing market.

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