Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally Started my Blog!

New Years Resolutions are good for something! Sometimes they create an inspiration to actually follow through with something you seem to just think about. That is the case with this blog. I'm excited to have a channel to share my day to day real estate experiences with my clients and web site visitors.

In these days of short sales and REO's I've experienced things I never thought I would experience! Some experiences are quite pathetic and depressing. Others are heartwarming and inspiring. Either way, I've felt compelled to share some of my day to day experiences with other because I think they may be quite interesting to read about. Maybe my experiences will help others better understand the market and how to navigate through it successfully. I welcome your comments!

Please feel free to ask me questions about any real estate topic. I bet others have the same questions and feel it would be nice to share the answers.

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