Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Latest NAR survey indicates 89% of buyers purchased their home through a licensed agent!

Each year, NAR, National Association of Realtors, performs a survey of buyers and sellers to better understand their wants and needs. The most recent survey reported that 89% of buyers used a licensed real estate agent to help them purchase a home. That is up 20% from a decade ago in 2001. This article also goes into why buyers choose to use a real estate agent to help them, but I thought I would give my two cents, as I specialize in working with buyers and love working with them!

The poll says that the first reason buyer work with agents is because they are licensed, which means they , have completed classwork, are educated, experienced and trained. Well, I beg to differ on this point! I agree the agents have completed classwork, but I know from dealing with dozens of agents over the years that the level of education, experience, and training varies dramatically! Quite frankly, it's easy to become and agent and many times they lack education, knowledge, and experience and end up giving the whole group a bad reputation. And, you don't have to be a young agent to be unprofessional. So, why am I saying this? Well, because it stresses the importance of choosing an agent who is a professional and who actually has sufficient knowledge about the purchase and transaction process. It also helps for the agent to have excellent human relation, conflict resolution, and problem solving skills.  I can't tell you how many times I've been on the phone with an agent who starts yelling at me and has no idea how to act professionally.

More to come. . .